How are screens impacting your family?
Digital parenting is tough! Compulsive screen use, harmful social media, cyberbullying, pornography, and predators are just a few of the things coming at us faster than we can keep up!
Project STAND is here to help. Our resources empower parents, youth, and communities to use technology in healthy ways.

“The Tip of the Week is easily my favorite weekly email subscription. Each one is concise, easy-to-read, and informative.”
- Kandace

YOU are the most important protective factor for your kids!
Our Parent Empowerment Speaker Series can help you:
develop healthy relationships with your kids
recognize and respond to harmful tech trends among youth
raise mentally healthy kids, and
protect your kids from online exploitation

“I have been enjoying the webinars! They have given us as a family many opportunities to talk about technology and how our family wants to engage with it. Thank you!”
- Anonymous Parent
Is your child's school struggling to manage phones?
Every principal has concerns about social media, cyberbullying, and other screen-induced problems creeping into schools. Many of them are desperate for help.
They need STAND Week! STAND Week is a powerful, student-led, middle school media safety program that empowers students to make healthy media choices. It also empowers you to discuss these important topics with your kids. Learn more here!
Because of technology, our kids have the power to do more good or more harm than any previous generation, it all depends on where they STAND.

What principals are saying about STAND Week...
“It was so great to have great materials that were so easy to access and use! Our students learned some amazing lessons that appealed to them, and had a great time completing some fun lunchtime activities! The program is easy to roll out and provides great resources to schools looking to increase their focus on online safety.”
“I liked the fact that it is STUDENT-led!!! Very impactful.”
“I liked that the program integrated home conversations for the students.”
Help get important education into your entire district!
Project STAND is a member of Safe Tech Solutions, a collaboration of leading non-profits that provides engaging and comprehensive K-12 media safety programs to empower students and parents to thrive in today’s digital world.
Enter your email address and we will send you a letter you can provide to your principal, superintendent, or school board member to encourage them to bring this important programming to your entire district.

Will you join us in advocating for safe tech policies?
Together we can empower our communities by holding tech companies accountable for making safe products.